Legal information

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    DB Training

    Your partner in corporate learning and development.

Article: Legal information

This website is part of Deutsche Bahn AG

Deutsche Bahn AG
Potsdamer Platz 2
10785 Berlin

AG Berlin-Charlottenburg HRB 50000 VAT Reg. No.: DE 811569869

Deutsche Bahn AG is represented by the Board of Management: Dr. Richard Lutz, Alexander Doll, Berthold Huber, Prof. Dr. Sabina Jeschke, Ronald Pofalla, Martin Seiler
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Michael Odenwald

Do you have suggestions, requests or complaints about the passenger services of DB in general? 

Please call +49 1806-99 66 33 (20 ct / min. from a Deutsche Telekom landline; Mobile prices vary) speak to one of our agents in person. 

Do you have questions about this website part of Deutsche Bahn AG, please contact